Building secure by design systems has become a corner stone in software development, but with the rapid adoption of AI in virtually every deployed system, methods used for measuring and analyzing security throughout the software development need substantial rethinking. AI and software should be co-designed with security in mind, rather than addressing it separately or as an afterthought. This workshop aims to bridge the secure software design and security for AI research communities by providing a forum for discussing architectural and implementation challenges. This workshop will focus on security for AI-augmented systems, as well as covering the security aspects of AI, especially in real-world scenarios.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
We invite the following types of papers (the page limits exclude well-marked references and appendix):
All papers should be submitted as a PDF file in double-column IEEE Conference Proceedings format (see Overleaf template ). Submissions will go through a double-blind peer-reviewing process aimed at selecting the papers to be presented at the workshop. There will be no formal workshop proceedings . Papers already published in other venues are welcome in all three categories. The accepted papers or slides will be made available to registered attendees on the workshop's online website. Submissions must be in English and properly anonymized.
Important: The use of generative AI for authors and reviewers is not allowed. Should we (or our PC) encounter any suspicious submissions, they will be rejected. The organizers will oversee the review process and ensure high-quality feedback is provided by all reviewers. If we encounter an author or a co-reviewer reporting a suspicious review, one of the workshop chairs will check the review in question and if needed provide an additional review.
Submission link: .
All accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop as posters. Accepted papers will be selected for presentation as spotlights based on their review score and novelty. Nonetheless, all accepted papers should be considered as having equal importance.
One author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper for it to be included in the proceedings.
For any questions, please contact one the workshop organizers at , and .